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Key Outputs/Activities

Key Outputs/Activities

Key Outputs/Activities : Output I: Policy and institutional environment that encourages provision of financial services to poor people in a responsible manner facilitated

  • Establish National and State level Think Tanks for Policy Advocacy.
  • Initiating demonstration of Pilots on Business Correspondents, Branchless banking, Credit bureau etc.
  • Organizing periodic seminars and workshops on emergent issues and identified thematic areas
  • Providing advocacy support to MFI’s representative organizations for effective implementation of code of conduct, sensitizing State and Central Governments on building and maintaining a conducive environment for MF sector;

Output II: Institutions providing diverse financial services promoted: Promotion of institutions providing diverse range of financial services that meet client requirements, such as savings, credit, insurance and transfer services etc.

  • Supporting diverse institutions providing financial services like Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs), Self Help Groups (SHG) channel, Regional Rural Banks (RRBs) and other community based organizations.
  • Encouraging institutions to improve outreach in identified areas with low MF penetration.
  • Improving access to other financial services such as savings, insurance, micro-pensions & remittances.
  • Supporting new loan product development for women centric loan products, green products and other loans to meet the requirements of the clients.
  • Support for piloting/ up-scaling of new technology led models which leads to improvement in efficiency and ease of delivery for institutions and improvement in transparency and convenience for the clients.

Output III- Women’s capacities to tackle financial and gender issues enhanced:

  • Build skills, capacities and confidence of women clients of microfinance through a training focusing on financial literacy, gender issues such as health, education and legal entitlements, social development and legal rights (health, education and legal entitlements).
  • Gender sensitization training of senior level staff of the institutions to enable them to mainstream gender within their organizational policies and processes.
