टोल फ्री नंबर: 180-022-6753



Sr. No. Name of the study Year Brief about the Study Download
1 National Microfi nance Support Programme - Project Performance Assessment 2013 The seven-year longitudinal impact assessment study, which focused on key qualitative and quantitative parameters, was conducted. The study was aimed at improving the industry practices and enhancing the understanding of the processes of MFIs' interventions to the beneficiaries. The primary objective was to find out whether the targeted goal of the National Micro Finance Support Project (NMFSP) of SIDBI, i.e., "Substantial poverty alleviation and reduction in the vulnerability in India amongst the poor using micro finance services" was achieved.
2 Impact Assessment Study of MFIs assisted under Scaling-Up Sustainable and Responsible Microfinance Project 2014 Study has assessed the World Bank project outcomes and impact, role of MFI partners/ SIDBI in achieving outcomes and provided recommendations on how to improve the quality and delivery of financial and non-financial products and services offered to clients by MFIs.
3 Code of Conduct Assessment for Microfinance Sector - A macro and micro view on MFI's compliance to Code of Conduct 2014 The study was assigned to document the findings of Code of Conduct Assessment (COCA) of 40 MFIs for disseminating the lessons learnt therefrom. The COCA Reports were analysed using a framework built on five key pillars that are critical to implementation of code of conduct, viz., Integrating Social Value into Operations; Credit Processes and policies; Human Capital; Transparency and Fairness; and Regulatory Compliance.
4 Study on Credit Enhancement Practices-Institutional Lending to MFIs - Role and Impact of Portfolio Risk Fund 2014 The Study was assigned to assess the impact of the 'Portfolio Risk Fund' on the microfinance sector and document the findings on, whether MFIs were able to raise additional debt funds for onlending to the ultimate beneficiaries, setting up of new financial intermediaries in the under-served states, and the socio-political impact of the fund on the poor, especially women in the under-served/un-served regions of the country including the changes in their social and economic profiles.
5 Impact Assessment Study on India Microfinance Equity Fund 2015 The study included evaluation of the impact of IMEF funding on the MFI sector and the funded MFIs in terms of helping the MFIs achieve long term sustainability with respect to improving their financial sustainability (ability to leverage, reduce reliance on subsidised funds, raising equity, improving its profitability), improving their outreach and access to under-served areas (reduction in lending rate, increase in outreach to under-served areas etc) and also increase their operational efficiencies and hence reduce the cost of lending.
6 Study on Measuring Employment Effects of MSME Projects In India 2017 The study was aimed to (a) Develop a robust methodology to measure the effects on employment and economic performance (revenues/profitability) of the MSMEs that can be applied both to existing and new programmes, and (b) Conduct this measurement for existing credit lines and equity investment vehicles, i.e., provide absolute figures on generated impact.