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Information under section 4 (1)(b) of the Right to Information Act, 2005

Information under section 4 (1)(b) of the Right to Information Act, 2005


Item No. Provision Details

The particulars of organization functions and duties

Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has been established under THE SMALL INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT BANK OF INDIA ACT, 1989 with its Head office at Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh [hitherto referred to as “The Bank”] .


SIDBI is the principal financial institution for the promotion, financing and development of industry in the small-scale sector and to co-ordinate the functions of the institutions engaged in the promotion, financing or developing industry in the small-scale sector and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Bank has also been authorised by Government of India (GoI) to provide financial assistance to small and medium enterprises.

Click here for Organization Structure  


The powers and duties of its officers and employees

All the officers of the Bank have certain specified duties and delegated powers as required for the day-to-day functions depending upon their positions/area of work. The Board decides the delegation of such powers of various grades of officials. These powers are reviewed / revised, depending upon the organization’s requirement and also Government / RBI guidelines.


The procedure followed in the decision making process, including channels of supervision and accountability.

There is a well defined system in the Bank regarding decision making process. The Bank follows a committee based approach for all its lending decisions wherein Credit/Settlement committees have been set up right from branch level depending upon the nature and size of loan. Branches receive applications for credit facilities and recommend to the appropriate sanctioning authority. In the case of major loan products applications are processed at branches and Centralised Credit Processing Cells.

There is a defined organizational structure and clear system of accountability based on RBI / CVC guidelines. All credit decisions approved by any sanctioning authority are reported to the next higher authority for control / monitoring purpose. The system of exercising proper delegation of power and submission of control reports is in place and they are monitored by control officers.

Administrative decisions are taken at various levels of Officers and also by Executive Directors and Chairman & Managing Director as per the powers delegated to them by the Board.


The norms set by the Bank for the discharge of its functions.

The policies and norms are duly approved by the Board of Directors of the Bank and necessary instructions are issued by the Bank’s Policy Departments to the Zonal offices/Regional Office/branches and other Depts of the Bank. Major policies of the Bank are also made available at the Bank’s website from time to time.


The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by the Bank or under its control or used by its employees for discharging its functions.

There are a number of documents like manuals, book of instructions, codified circulars, delegation of powers, subordinate legislations , Transfer Policy etc. issued for internal use by the employees for discharging various functions.

A statement of the categories of documents that are held by the Bank or under its control.

The documents being obtained at the time of lending are preserved at the respective branch offices of the Bank. The Bank maintains register of share holders and record of proceedings of the Board meetings at its Head Office at Lucknow.


The particulars of any arrangement that exists for consultation with, or representation by, the members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof.

The Bank’s shareholders are IDBI, LIC, GIC, other Nationalised Banks / FIs. Representatives of the shareholders and Industry Association / SSI Sector are members on the Board of Directors. The issues concerning the policies can be raised by the shareholders in the Annual General Meetings of the Bank and by members in the Board meetings. The Bank also publishes its quarterly and annual results/reports in the Bank's website and in the news papers.


A statement of the boards, councils, committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public.”

The general superintendence, direction and management of affairs and business of Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) vests in the Board of Directors. The Board has constituted various Committees which are listed below:

  • Executive Committee (EC)
  • Audit Committee (AC)
  • Risk Management Committee (RiMC)
  • Special Committee of the Board for Monitoring and Follow-Up of Cases of Frauds (SCBMF)
  • Information Technology Strategy Committee (ITSC)
  • Customer Service Committee (CSC)
  • Recovery Review Committee (RRC)
  • Review Committee on Wilful Defaulters & Non-cooperative Borrowers (RCWD&NCB)
  • Nomination & Remuneration Committee (NRC)
  • Committee on Sustainable Development Goals (CSDG)
  • Stakeholders Relationship Committee (SRC)

The Board and its Committees meet at regular intervals and guide the Bank in achieving its objectives.

(Click here to view the constitution and functions of the Board and its Committees.)

The meetings of the Board and other Board Committees are not open to public. Further, the agenda papers, memoranda, proceedings, minutes and decisions of the Board of Directors, Committees of Board viz., EC, AC, RiMC, SCBMF, ITSC, CSC, RRC, RCWD&NCB, NRC, CSDG and SRC are also not accessible to public.


A directory of its officers and employees.



The monthly remuneration received by each of its officers and employees, including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations

The details of Scales of Pay of Officers & Staff are given in the Annexure.


The budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of all plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursements made.

There are no plans and budgets for expenditure of public money. The provision is not applicable to that extent to the Bank.


The manner of execution of subsidy programmes including the amounts allocated and the details of beneficiaries of such programmes.

The Bank does not have its own subsidy programmes or plans for lending activities. However, the Bank is the nodal agency for implementing GoI sponsored schemes like Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS), Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) & Integrated Development of Leather Sector (IDLS). Details / provisions of these schemes are available at the Bank’s website.


Particulars of recipients of concession, permits or authorizations granted by it.

There is no programme in the Bank for grant of concessions, permits, authorization etc.


Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in an electronic form.

The general information regarding deposits, advances and other services offered by the Bank are available at the Bank’s website..


The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.

The facilities for availing information are available to citizens at the Bank’s website. Public can also approach CPIO / CAPIOs of the Bank whose addresses are given at the Bank’s website. Bank does not maintain any library or reading room for public use.


The names, designations and other particulars of the public Information officers

In-charges of branch offices have been designated as the CAPIOs for their respective areas and General Manager at HO, Lucknow has been designated as CPIO. The addresses of the Bank offices are available at its website i.e.
