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Green Pathways E-Series

India has adopted “Panchamrit” announced by our Hon'ble Prime Minister at CoP 26 at Glasgow. The entire greening of ecosystem and transitioning to an energy independent, carbon neutral nation is being furthered in a mission mode. SIDBI is helping MSMEs to adopt green and sustainable practices such as energy efficiency, circular economy, solar, etc., in their business processes and adopt low emissions pathways. In this context, SIDBI has developed dedicated thematic mission for this cause, namely:

  • Mission Solar - Enabling each Enterprise go Solar
  • Mission EV4ECO - Supporting Electric Vehicle Eco system - aligned to GoI's EV30@30 Mission
  • Mission Energy Efficiency - Addressing Energy inefficiency by inducing EE investment in MSME sector
  • Mission Waste 2 Environment Taste - Supporting Circular Economy
  • Mission Nurture t Nature - Standardised technology basket for facilitating green investments

A report titled "Unlocking E Mobility," was released during GIFS-Grow annual theme event. This comprehensive document is the result of extensive consultations with over 1000 stakeholders thus drawing insights from diverse perspectives. Building on the lessons learned from the implementation of the 50KEV4ECO scheme, the Green EV Team has endeavoured to disseminate the knowledge gained from its journey in the electric vehicle (EV) landscape. Volume 1 of the Green e series encapsulates valuable insights, expert opinions, various models in EV Ecosystem, comparison of EV with ICE, and industry conversations, making it an indispensable knowledge sharing resource for anyone currently engaged with or seeking involvement in the EV ecosystem. This report intends to position itself as a guide for navigating the evolving landscape of electric mobility in India.

Vol II
Vol I
Green Pathways E-Series - All Editions

De-risking Lending for a Brisk EV update

