Green Financing Products
Launched “Green Finance Scheme”
which covers sectors such as
Renewable, Transport, Waste,
Energy, Mobility etc., with adoption
of Environment, Social, Governance
(ESG) parameters. The existing
schemes such as End to End Energy
Efficiency (4E) financing scheme and
TIFAC-SIDBI (Srijan) programme etc.,
have been revisited and simplified.
Achieved 168% growth in outstanding
of green loans during FY 2022.
Partial Risk Sharing Facility for Energy
Efficiency project
Promoting energy efficiency projects
implemented through Energy Service
Companies (ESCOs). The facility provides
Risk Sharing Facility for Energy Efficiency
Projects assisted by the Participating
Financial Institutions (PFIs). As on date, 13 Banks / NBFCs including SBI, BOB,
Canara Bank, HDFC Bank, IREDA etc. have
been empanelled as PFIs. Till FY 2022, 45
EE projects have been supported under the facility aggregating to a total project cost of ₹476.44 crore with a loan amount of ₹231 crore and guaranteed amount
of ₹173.31 crore.
Cluster level intervention across India
Handholding support to 100 MSME
clusters for adopting green and clean
initiatives. In the long term, this will
lead to significant reduction in energy
consumption and Green House
Gas (GHG) emission and resource
consumption. This will support self-
reliant and make in India initiative of GoI.
During FY, activities have been initiated
in the MSME clusters of Bihar and West
Bengal targeting around 10,000 MSMEs.
Carbon Neutrality for SIDBI
SIDBI, in line with the
announcement made at
COP26 has decided to reduce
its carbon footprint in a phased
manner and eventually become
carbon neutral by 2024 and net
zero as next step. The initiative
is expected to motivate other
similar FIs and stakeholders.
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
SIDBI is working on potential
projects and programs for
submission to GCF. Ministry of
Environment Forest and Climate
Change (National Designated
Authority of India) has given
in-principle approval for the
three projects aggregating
around USD 1,250 Mn.
International Co-operations
SIDBI has revamped tie-ups with
international partners and cooperation
with AFD, ADB, KfW, GIZ, The World Bank,
The Montreal Group, IDFC etc., SIDBI
in partnership with AFD and Shakti has
launched Green Indian Financial System
(GIFS) Initiative which seeks to facilitate
such dialogues and discussions on greening
the Indian financial system. Discussions
with GIZ and the World Bank country team
are in progress for establishing the Risk
Sharing facilities on Municipal Solid Waste
and Compressed Bio-Gas respectively.