SIDBI has been engaged in facilitating various hard and soft cluster interventions. Under the recommendations of U.K. Sinha Committee -
EU Switch Asia Bamboo project: To generate an alternative source of livelihood for financially disadvantaged group as well as to promote an alternative for timber thereby safeguarding the environment, the project is being implemented in 26 districts of 9 states. Over 2,200 enterprises have been created under the project along with credit linkage to 1,386 enterprises.
MSME Cluster Intervention Programme (Business Development Services): Program in 5 clusters with focus on Institution capacity building, facilitate access to services, support MSMEs to become more competitive and clusters to become self-sustainable.
Energy Efficiency and Cleaner production initiatives: SIDBI’s Green Climate and Energy Efficiency Centre is targeting 100 MSME clusters for promoting resource efficiency and cleaner production in the MSMEs for their survival, growth and competitiveness in long run. The initiative is expected to benefit around 4,000 MSMEs.