6 meetings
5 meetings
2 meetings
No complaints
62 meetings
27 meetings
The framework for risk management encompasses policies, organisational structure, IT systems and assessment, measurement, mitigation and monitoring of various risks. Brief particulars are furnished below:
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Policy
Loan Policy
IT & Cyber Security Policy
Security & Collateral Management Policy
Operational Risk Management (ORM) Policy
Business Continuity Management (BCM) Policy
Assets Liability Management (ALM) Policy
Investment Policy
Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process (ICAAP) Policy
Internal Control Guidelines for Derivatives (ICGD)
Market Risk Management Policy (MRMP)
Model Validation Policy
The IRMS consisting of Capital Assessment Models (CAM) for credit risk and market risk, ORMS, ICAAP Tool, Rating Models - Risk Assessment Model (RAM), SIDBI Multifunctional Appraisal and Rating Tool (SMART) and Score Cards, Bankers Assets Liability Management (BALM).
The Bank’s most valuable asset is its workforce, and since ensuring and fostering that workforce’s well-being has always been HR’s guiding principle. The department places a strong emphasis on fostering an open, participative workplace culture as well as identifying and rewarding sustained high performance and innovative thinking.
The Bank’s human resource is continuously oriented with the business strategy to efficiently carry out its functions, given the constantly changing scope of the Bank’s involvement in national developmental goals.
Total staff
Class III staff
Subordinate staff
Women employees
The Bank’s HR strategy has always included training and development.